• 1kg Microlot Yellow Bourbon - front
  • 1kg Microlot Yellow Bourbon - back
  • 250 Microlot Yellow Bourbon - front

Brazil Yellow Bourbon



Grown in the region of Mantiqueira, considered as one of the most awarded regions of Brazil, Yellow Catuai or Yellow Bourbon has a good well balanced body, flavours of roasted hazelnut, almond, milk chocolate, with orange acidity.

Tasting Notes

Flavours of pure milk chocolate & coffee blossom, sweet butter/candy aroma, and a hint of dark roast flavour to fully satisfy.

The story of Brazil’s Yellow Bourbon Mantiqueira

The Brazil Yellow Bourbon variety cultivated in the picturesque Mantiqueira Mountains of Brazil is a remarkable coffee bean strain. Renowned for its exceptional cup quality, it can require more care and attention than other varieties. The Yellow Bourbon tree can reach 2.8 metres and produces its best quality fruit when grown more than 1000 metres above sea level.


The journey of Bourbon coffee is steeped in history. In the early 1700s, French Missionaries carried the Bourbon variety from Yemen to Bourbon Island, now known as La Réunion. Later, in the mid-1800s, missionaries extended the reach of Bourbon to Africa and South America. By approximately 1860, Bourbon found its way to Brazil, becoming the epicentre from which it radiated across South America and eventually into Central America.

Along this journey, Bourbon intermingled with other coffee varieties imported from different parts of the world and underwent various mutations. This rich lineage has played a pivotal role in shaping the diverse coffee landscape we witness throughout the Americas today.

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